Support for projects
Our support for funded partners includes training, resources and the opportunity to join our networks. You will receive regular updates on networking and capacity building opportunities through our network bulletin which we send to all funded partners.
We offer a programme of capacity building support throughout the year based on what you, our funded partners, tell us you need help with. This provides you with opportunities to enhance skills through training and resources, and connects you with experts and peers, to help strengthen your organisations, deliver your projects, and reduce health inequalities.
Our focus areas include: mental health; digital inclusion; HR and recruitment; safeguarding; finance and fundraising; community development and evaluation, and youth participation.
Find out more about upcoming training and events
Our training programme is co-produced with funded partners. Contact us to register your interest in our training discussion group, or to ask any questions about our support for project we fund. You can also contact us to join our online Facebook groups.
Find resources for projects - information sources on resources to help you plan and sustain your community project, whether or not you are funded by us.
Communications resources - a guide to tools and resources to support low cost or free marketing and communications.