Complaints about an organisation receiving funding from People’s Health Trust

If you have a complaint about an organisation receiving funding from People’s Health Trust please let us know. It is our job to look at those complaints fairly and without taking sides.

What is a complaint?

A complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction with the level of service an organisation receiving funding has provided. And so, for example, under this complaints procedure, a customer can complain that an organisation has, for example:

  • treated them unfairly;
  • delayed providing a service to them;
  • failed to provide a service to them;
  • treated them rudely;
  • not met the conditions of the grant awarded to them; and
  • mis-used the funds we awarded to them.

How do I complain about an organisation receiving funding from People’s Health Trust?

Complain to the relevant organisation.

As a first step we strongly advise you to put your complaint to the organisation direct. In order to do so we suggest you put your concerns in an email or letter to the most senior member of the organisation, clearly setting out why you are concerned.

Stage 1 - Submit a complaint to us

If the organisation has not resolved your concerns satisfactorily and within a reasonable timeframe you can put your complaint to us to be considered as a formal complaint. You must put your complaint to us within four weeks of receiving the organisation’s final response to your complaint. If the organisation has not responded to your complaint within eight weeks of putting it to them you can put it to us for consideration. You can do so by completing our online feedback form here.

If you are unable to use the online feedback form you can submit your complaint:

  • in writing by email to
  • in writing by post to the Executive Assistant, People’s Health Trust, 2 Bath Place, Rivington Street, London London, EC2A 3DR;
  • via the telephone on 020 4548 0939, but only if your complaint cannot be made in writing for example, because of a disability and you do not have an advocate or representative who can assist you in putting your complaint. If you do submit your complaint over the telephone we will take down you complaint and send it to you for confirmation.

We aim to respond to your complaint within twelve weeks of receiving it and if we are unable to do so we will let you know.

Stage 2 - Ask a member of Leadership Team to review your service complaint.

If you remain unhappy after receiving a response at Stage 1, you can ask for it to be referred to a member of the Leadership Team. You will need to do so within four weeks of receiving the Stage 1 complaint response and explain why you disagree with the findings of the Stage 1 complaint response with any supporting evidence.

We aim to respond to your Stage 2 complaint within eight weeks of receiving it and if we are unable to do so we will let you know.

What will happen to your complaint at both stages of the process.

We will ensure your complaint is something we can look into. If it is, we will allocate a lead to look into your complain. We will then contact you to clarify your complaint and investigate your concerns. We will respond to you setting out clearly:

  • the complaint we have investigated;
  • the evidence we have relied on to make our decision;
  • our consideration of the evidence and relevant standards;
  • our decision on your complaint and the reasons for it; and
  • our recommendations to put right any poor service you have received, that might be by asking the organisation to apologise and provide relevant explanations.

We will also share the learning from your complaint with the organisation and, where appropriate, across People’s Health Trust to improve the service we both provide going forward.