Beverley is a Deputy Head Teacher at a primary school in Gateshead where alongside staff she is dedicated to creating a safe nurturing environment for children facing significant challenges.

People’s Health Trust has funded work in Gateshead for more than ten years through Edberts House, a community organisation who work closely with local schools, GP surgeries and the local council. We have funded Edberts House through Local Conversations and are currently working with them on through Homes for Health and Partnerships for Health.

This podcast was produced by Health Equals in collaboration with the Empathy Museum as part of A Mile in My Shoes. It gathers stories from those dedicated to supporting communities facing challenges such as inadequate housing, air pollution, and hunger. Originally an immersive experience allowing people to literally step into the shoes of those working on the frontlines of health, housing, the education system and more; the experience is now re-imagined for digital audiences.

“We believe very strongly that learning can’t take place unless you’re able to concentrate on it and your mind is able to concentrate. But you can’t do your work if you’re hungry.”


Deputy Head Teacher

People’s Health Trust is a founding member of Health Equals and individuals linked to three of our funded partners are featured in the podcast series.

Listen to the full series of Mile in My Shoes podcasts on the Health Equals website here