Survey results graphic

Thank you to everyone who took part for their feedback. The results of the survey will help us to continue to improve what we do and how we do it.

Here are the findings.

We asked you what you thought about our website and our newsletter.

  • Almost everyone we asked (99%) agreed that it is easy to find the information required on the website (93% last year).
  • Subscription to the newsletter by respondents is higher this year at 84% than last year (74%).

We asked you how clearly we communicate what we do.

  • Almost all of you (93%) felt that the Trust communicates what it does clearly. This is comparable to last year.
  • More people felt that we explain our approach to health inequalities clearly (92%) than was the case last year (88%).

We asked you about our customer service.

  • There was a high level of satisfaction about customer service feedback (85%), which is an increase on last year (73%).
  • The majority of people felt that our responses to you were helpful (85%).

We asked you what you thought of the funding application process.

  • Most of you (89%) found the application process easy to some extent or to a large extent. This is comparable to last year (81%).
  • Similar to last year, 95% of you feel that the amount of information requested is appropriate to some or to a large extent.
  • 89% of you feel that the decision timescale on Active Communities is reasonable, which is comparable to last year.

We asked you what you thought about our grant management processes.

  • 89% of you feel monitoring is proportionate, to a large extent or to some extent, which is comparable to last year (85%).
  • 95% of you agree that grant payments are made efficiently to some extent or a large extent. This is comparable to last year (97%).


  • Overall, levels of customer satisfaction are high and broadly comparable to last year, with respondents valuing the Trust’s accessibility, support and overall approach.

Thank you to everybody who took part in the survey, and congratulations to Lauren Tobias from Volunteer Centre Hackney who won our free prize draw.

To read more news from the Trust, click here.