Taking positive action

A project in Hull is bringing residents together to make changes in their local area and connect the community.

05 August, 2019

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A place-based approach

Public Health England has released new guidance outlining how residents, charities and local authorities can approach place-based working as a…

05 August, 2019

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Justice Prince Carnival

In July, the Local Conversation in Longbenton, supported by Justice Prince CIC, held their annual fair in the community garden.…

05 August, 2019

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Disability Pride Brighton 2019

The Disability Pride Brighton event held last month was a huge success, attracting more than 3,000 people. It's an annual…

05 August, 2019

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English for Action

A local charity in Tower Hamlets, London is supporting migrants to help create an equal and fair society by providing…

05 August, 2019

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Community awards

Since 2014, Lozells-based organisation Aspire & Succeed has supported residents to create and deliver a shared vision for their neighbourhood…

04 July, 2019

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A fresh vision for mental health

“It has been therapeutic for me to present this subject matter through my character, knowing that audience members might relate…

04 July, 2019

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Celebrate, connect and share

Steering Group members from six Local People projects supported by Royal Voluntary Service came together to celebrate, connect and share.

04 July, 2019

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Ek Saath - Community Together

‘Ek Saath – Community Together’, a project run by the Indian Community Association (ICA), offers daily activities and get-togethers for…

03 July, 2019

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