Small Charity Week is one of the biggest events in the small charity calendar, providing free initiatives and competitions for charities and community organisations.
The campaign was first established by the Foundation for Social Improvement (FSI) in 2010 to celebrate and raise the profile of the small charity sector.
Since then, it has continued to grow and thousands of charities get involved every year.
The week (17-22 June) showcases the impact small charities have every day, making a difference to their communities.
As well as celebrating the invaluable contribution that small charities make to communities, the campaign aims to improve knowledge, representation and sustainability of small charities.
The week starts on Monday 17 June with I ♥ Small Charities Day which aims to raise awareness of the work of all small charities across the UK.
Big Advice Day, on 18 June, will involve a national London event and various regional events across the country, where small and local charities and community groups can access free expert 1:1 advice on a variety of topics.
At the Trust, we have supported thousands of small charities and community groups, encouraging resident-focused approaches as a means of addressing the underlying structural causes of health inequalities.
They all do fantastic work in their communities, supporting people to design and lead projects; addressing issues that are important to them.
There’s loads of ways you can get involved. For more information about the campaign, click here.
Will you be celebrating Small Charities Week? We’d love to hear how! Email us and we can help you spread the word.
To read more news from the Trust, click here.
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