Local Conversation Programme members
Local Conversation Programme members

Every organisation we fund has an opportunity to take part in our network offer. Networks have two core aims:

  • To support funded organisations to build connections with other organisations, provide mutual expertise and support, and exchange skills and knowledge, so they can enhance their practice, influence and mobilise for change
  • To enable the Trust to listen and respond to the experience and expertise of funded partners, so that together we can address the things which affect health in communities in Great Britain.

Our networks are designed to help connect our funded projects together who are taking a distinct approach to reducing health inequalities. Through in-person network days, online events and online groups, the networks enable our partners to exchange skills and knowledge so they can effectively support local people in driving change. They also ensure that our funded partners’ are listened to by the Trust and policy-makers, so that their views and expertise shape decision-making. Learning from our network also supports change at a local and national level through the Trust’s own advocacy, campaigning and research programmes.

Find out more about our network events

Find out more about the project we fund.

More information for our funded partners

If you are a funded partner and would like to joining our online groups, or if you are interested in talking to us about opportunities to engage with our networks, get in touch with us by contacting, enquiries@peopleshealthtrust.org.uk

Find out more about our training opportunities and resources