Organised by Moving On Inverclyde, the project supports people affected by misuse of drug and alcohol living in Inverclyde in Scotland.

The project supports people affected by isolation from the misuse of drugs and alcohol in areas of Renfrewshire, and is run by Moving On Inverclyde
Weekly groups and outdoor activities
Greenock, Inverclyde
Getting Outdoors supports people affected by drug and alcohol use, including people who feel isolated or who feel stigmatised by attitudes towards them.
Through weekly sessions the group comes together to socialise. Members also choose and plan what outdoor activities they want to do. Over the course of last summer, the group went on camping trips, bike rides and day trips together, and regularly play sports as part of the project.
The area is relatively rural and many of the participants are new to the community and don’t have many social connections. The project aims to make them feel more comfortable by building a community of people with similar experiences to help reduce social isolation and mental health problems. Outdoor activities brings members together to improve their health and wellbeing.
The project gave me a purpose when I needed one. As my recovery gets better, my mental health improves.
Project Member