Tags: bristol city of

  • Disabled Women Take Action: supporting change for disabled women


    We decided we needed to influence the counselling process at an early stage. We started approaching universities to go and talk to students who are being trained in psychology and…

  • Bristol Active Women Walk and Talk: Meet the community leaders


    A peer mentoring model has helped develop participants into leaders. The first four ‘Walk Leaders’ describe their journey to becoming more confident and learning new skills. Eman I am six…

  • Bristol Active Women – Walk and Talk


    The outdoor activities are designed to support mental health and wellbeing, reduce social isolation, and build confidence, especially following the Covid-19 lockdowns when many people have been isolated. The sessions…

  • Borderlands: Drop in project


    The drop-in centre offered refugees and asylum seekers access to food, warmth, English classes, information and signposting to other services. It brought together participants from over 50 countries, many of…