Tags: homes for health
Homes for Health Gorton
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/homes-for-health-gortonThe project is establishing a Black-led tenants pressure group aimed at addressing challenges faced by Black Caribbean and African tenants who rent from private landlords in Gorton, Manchester. Many tenants…
Citizens UK - Tenants taking action
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/citizens-uk-homes-for-health-in-ely-cardiffThe Homes for Health project in Ely, Cardiff is led by Citizens UK and works with social and private tenants. Using a community organising approach, the project is supporting a…
Homes for Health Holme Wood
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/homes-for-health-holme-woodThis 21-month project works with private and social tenants living on the Holme Wood estate in Bradford. Homes on the estate are in a poor state of repair with main…
ACORN - where you live should not affect your health
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/acorn-homes-for-health-bradfordFind out more about People’s Health Trust’s Homes for Health collaboration and our campaign.
Caribbean and African Health Network - 'Tenants don't get what they deserve'
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/caribbean-and-african-health-network-tenants-dont-get-what-they-deserveRead more about People’s Health Trust’s Homes for Health campaign.
Health risks in private rented homes
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/press-releases/health-risks-in-rented-homes1. Media Enquiries For media enquiries please contact Bradford Watson – press@peopleshealthtrust.org.uk / 020 4548 0940 2. Data - The latest English Housing Survey headline report was released in December…
New Homes for Health campaign
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/new-homes-for-health-campaignPeople’s Health Trust is calling the Secretary of State, Michael Gove MP to introduce stronger housing enforcement measures. These measures could provide sufficient resourcing to enable local authorities to comprehensively…
Homes for Health launches
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/homes-for-health-launchesPeople’s Health Trust announces £1 million programme supporting ten projects across England, Scotland and Wales. Today, 16 November, People’s Health Trust announces the launch of its Homes for Health programme…
New funding to address ill health caused by housing conditions.
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/press-releases/new-funding-to-address-ill-health-caused-by-housing-conditions5 . Quotes from all funded organisations ACORN Joe Kiggins, Development Officer at ACORN, said: Being part of the Homes for Health programme will help us continue our work fighting…
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/health-inequalities/what-makes-us-healthy/housingTo read more on research on homes and health, click the links below. Fuel Poverty, Cold Homes and Health Inequalities in the UK. A report by the Institute of Health…