Tags: north lanarkshire
Youth Wellbeing Out of Covid
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/youth-wellbeing-out-of-covidYouth Wellbeing Out of Covid supports young people from African backgrounds in communities in North Lanarkshire through teaching music and providing a space for people to socialise. Following the Covid-19…
Youth Wellbeing Out of Covid: Music helps young people's mental health
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/youth-wellbeing-out-of-covid-music-helps-young-peoples-mental-healthWe have normal day-to-day conversations. They may come up to us and say things like they used to have packed lunches or snacks after school but not anymore, and instead…
Heart of a community
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/heart-of-a-communityThe ‘Everyone Together’ project supported by VIP Sports and Arts Academy is a two-year project hosting regular social groups for the whole community in the Fallside area, a local housing…