Tags: north west
Homes for Health Gorton
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/homes-for-health-gortonThe project is establishing a Black-led tenants pressure group aimed at addressing challenges faced by Black Caribbean and African tenants who rent from private landlords in Gorton, Manchester. Many tenants…
Caribbean and African Health Network - 'Tenants don't get what they deserve'
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/caribbean-and-african-health-network-tenants-dont-get-what-they-deserveRead more about People’s Health Trust’s Homes for Health campaign.
Health risks in private rented homes
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/press-releases/health-risks-in-rented-homes1. Media Enquiries For media enquiries please contact Bradford Watson – press@peopleshealthtrust.org.uk / 020 4548 0940 2. Data - The latest English Housing Survey headline report was released in December…
A conversation with CAHN: Meeting the health needs of Caribbean and African communities
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/a-conversation-with-cahn-meeting-the-needs-of-african-and-caribbean-communitiesBlack and minoritised ethnic communities who live in low income households face the worst health prospects in Great Britain, with lower life expectancy and higher rates of long term illness…
Wigan Caribbean and African Community Support Group
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/wigan-caribbean-and-african-community-support-groupThis project supports Caribbean and African communities in Greater Manchester to come together to discuss essential issues affecting their health and well-being. Delivering fortnightly forums, the support group brings together…
Armchair Adventures: Fighting Prejudice With Poetry
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/armchair-adventures-fighting-prejudice-with-poetryPauline Omoboye is no stranger to the arts. The 64-year-old boasts an extensive background of printed poetry, paintings and is even a published author of the book, Purple Mother. A…
Armchair Adventures
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/armchair-adventuresArmchair Adventures was born during Covid-19 for people over 65 who were affected by the isolation of lockdown, to help rebuild social connections. They get together each week to…
Positive About Deafness: Changing lives in Wigan
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/project-stories/positive-about-deafness-changing-lives-in-wigan“In Wigan and Leigh there was no way for deaf children to meet, no place for them to form connections or community. You could grow up in an area, go…
Positive About Deafness
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/positive-about-deafnessPositive About Deafness continues the work of Wigan and Leigh Deaf Children’s Society to support deaf and sensory impaired children with a schedule of regular activities, as well as…
New funding available for local groups in parts of North West England
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/press-releases/new-funding-available-for-local-groups-in-parts-of-north-west-2-2Local groups with great ideas to make their communities an even better place to live are now invited to apply for funding. People’s Health Trust has just launched Active Communities…
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/mums-socialThe aim is to bring new and expectant mothers together to connect, share experiences, provide support and reassurance, develop friendships and improve mental wellbeing. Becoming a mum is a new…
The Gorton Takeover - Reform Radio
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/projects-we-fund/projects/the-gorton-takeover-reform-radioThis two-year project delivered weekly dance, art, radio and digital skills sessions for unemployed young adults and their children living in Gorton, an inner-city area of Manchester. Education, skills and…
Living Wage Places schemes exceed targets in 2021
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/living-wage-places-schemes-exceed-targets-in-2021Strong local economies and stable employment that pays at least the real Living Wage, have a big impact on our health. This is why People’s Health Trust is one of…
Looking back on 2021
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/looking-back-on-2021Over £121 million in funding raised through The Health Lottery has been awarded by People’s Health Trust to over 3,240 resident-led community projects. Allotments, peer-support groups, choirs, men’s sheds and…
Thousands of people get a pay rise as Living Wage Places scheme gains momentum
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/thousands-of-people-get-a-pay-rise-as-living-wage-places-scheme-gains-momentumThe Living Wage Places scheme aims to inspire whole towns, cities and regions to pay residents the real Living Wage. In just two years thousands of people have secured a…
Motherwell Cheshire CIO: Believe
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/publications/case-studies/motherwell-cheshire-cio-believeMotherwell provides specialist support services for mothers with children who have been placed into care, or children at risk of being placed into care. The charity works with these women…
Carers' rights day
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/carers-rights-dayAccording to Carers UK, there are approximately 6.5 million carers in the UK, and Every day another 6,000 people take on a caring responsibility.[1]. Recent findings from Carers UK show…
Suicide Prevention Day
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/suicide-prevention-dayThursday 10 September is Suicide Prevention Day across the UK. Every year organisations and communities around the world come together to raise awareness of how we can create a world…
Staying creative in lockdown
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/staying-creative-in-lockdownTaking part in creative activities and staying connected have become vital to support wellbeing as the country gets used to a new normal. Reform Radio support local people to develop…
Mental health in January
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/mental-health-in-januaryThis month, we’re highlighting how projects we fund are supporting the mental health of local residents. Many people find that January can really challenge their mental health. People living in…
MaD Theatre Company
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/mad-theatre-companyMaD Theatre Company is a charitable organisation, which provides drama workshops for young people and adults living in Greater Manchester. Over a year ago, MaD Theatre Company facilitated drama sessions…
Black History Month 2019
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/black-history-month-2019October marks Black History Month in the UK, a celebration of the achievements and contributions of black people around the world. Inaugurated by Ghanaian-born activist Akyaaba Addai-Sebo in 1987, it…
Inspiring allotments
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/inspiring-allotmentsStudies have shown that on average, a 10 per cent increase in exposure to green space translates into five years of better health (The King’s Fund, 2013). People living in…
Living Wage milestone
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/living-wage-milestoneThe Living Wage Foundation is celebrating its 5,000th Living Wage employer, with the University of Manchester joining the growing movement of responsible employers. The commitment to pay the real Living…
Molokai Village
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/publications/case-studies/molokai-villageThis case study was carried out by Ecorys UK, who are conducting an independent evaluation of People's Health Trust's Active Communities programme. This case study formed part of the second…
Ethiopian community
https://www.peopleshealthtrust.org.uk/news/stories/ethiopian-communityThe Ethiopian Community Association of Greater Manchester recently held an event to bring the community together. Members of the Ethiopian Family Learning Group came together for an event which included…