Tags: scotland

  • Community Renewal - Tackling discrimination


    After school I needed encouragement from a community worker to go to college. I didn’t go at first and I had no idea what I wanted to do. It’s not…

  • Scoonie Sunshine Club


    Scoonie Sunshine Club runs a bus for people with mobility issues and older people, providing them with essential transport in an area where services have been cut and accessibility is…

  • MyBUS - Community Transport


    But the effect on people is massive, and it really helps to build the community amongst members. People that come for the lunch club support each other, so they’ll notice…

  • Almost half a million in Scotland living in very deep poverty


    New research by Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) shows a sharp rise in the amount of people living in very deep poverty in Scotland. JRF classes households that receive below 40…

  • Youth Wellbeing Out of Covid


    Youth Wellbeing Out of Covid supports young people from African backgrounds in communities in North Lanarkshire through teaching music and providing a space for people to socialise. Following the Covid-19…

  • Youth Wellbeing Out of Covid: Music helps young people's mental health


    We have normal day-to-day conversations. They may come up to us and say things like they used to have packed lunches or snacks after school but not anymore, and instead…

  • Getting Outdoors


    Getting Outdoors supports people affected by drug and alcohol use, including people who feel isolated or who feel stigmatised by attitudes towards them. Through weekly sessions the group comes together…

  • Getting Outdoors: Providing a purpose


    When I was over in Colerain, we only had ad hoc heat. There was an open fire in one room only, and so a lot of the time I was…

  • Local Conversation in Govanhill: Local Leaders


    The work we do is so important. Because health service access has been a problem, we’ve made videos to reach the young people, on subjects like sexual health, contraception, and…

  • Health inequalities in Scotland increased over the past decade


    A new report charting the health of people in Scotland over 20 years finds that life expectancy is in reverse while children and disadvantaged communities are worse off. In the…

  • Good Food Nation Bill passed in Scotland


    Sustainable access to affordable and nutritional food is an important social determinant of health. Poor diet is the leading cause of bad health, and accounts for many more deaths than…

  • Local Conversation in Govanhill


    The Local Conversation in Govanhill was supported by Community Renewal Trust which leads on community projects across Scotland. They previously ran a community canteen in Govanhill which became a central…

  • RIG Arts


    Creative workshops are based around waste reduction and include sewing, repair, reuse, upcycling, and sustainable crafts. Participants and the community are supported to become more resilient through supported engagement and…

  • Glenburn My Life My Choice Project


    Easthall Residents Association in Glasgow has received funding three times from People’s Health Trust using money raised through The Health Lottery over a period of eight years. An investment totalling…

  • Promoting Roles of Father Figures


    Stronger social connections helps build confidence, increase skills, and have a greater sense of purpose and hope, which we know are important first steps in being able to address other…

  • Café Chat


    The provision of mental health services on the island was limited, as was access to those services due to geographical distance. Café Chat provided a weekly meetup in Broadford on…

  • Bridgend Inspiring Growth


    Since it started, the members of the local community have taken control of every aspect of the project, buying the building from the local council using community raised funds, and…

  • Aberchirder and District Men’s Shed receive Queens Award for Voluntary Services


    Aberchirder and District Men’s Shed, a project previously funded through People’s Health Trust’s Active Communities programme, has received the Queens Award for Voluntary Services (QAVS) for their work in the…

  • Heart of a community


    The ‘Everyone Together’ project supported by VIP Sports and Arts Academy is a two-year project hosting regular social groups for the whole community in the Fallside area, a local housing…

  • Interpreting a pandemic


    Scottish Minority Ethnic Deaf Club (SEMDC) has members across Scotland and provides a variety of services ranging from a bi-weekly support group to providing bespoke advocacy, advice, signposting and information…

  • Celebrating the season


    Scottish Minority Ethnic Deaf Club (SEMDC) has members across Scotland and provides a variety of services ranging from a bi-weekly support group to providing bespoke advocacy, advice, signposting and information…

  • CounsellingCare: Café Chat project


    Project evaluation The project was funded with money raised from Health Lottery Scotland, as part of People’s Health Trust’s Active Communities programme. The project was evaluated by Ecorys as part…

  • Volunteers Week 2020


    It’s National Volunteers Week from 1 – 7 June and to celebrate the Trust is taking a look at the vital contribution volunteers make to their local communities, giving their…

  • Take a(n online) bow


    Beatroute Arts is a community-led charity based in Balornock in the North East of Glasgow. Offering creative activities for young people and community groups, they work to address inequalities in…

  • Building Collective Control


    When people have more control over decisions and actions that affect their lives, they have a better chance of improving and maintaining their health. At the heart of the Trust’s…

  • Bridgend Farmhouse


    When people have control over their lives and decisions that affect them, they are able to improve and maintain their health. Collective control is power exercised by groups of people,…

  • Living Wage Places


    Relative poverty affects almost a fifth of people living in working households in the UK. That is an increase of 40 per cent from the mid-1990s, according the Institute for…

  • Celebrate, connect and share


    Steering Group members from six Local People projects supported by Royal Voluntary Service came together to celebrate, connect and share. In May, Royal Voluntary Service held their first ever Steering…

  • A Local Conversation


    Community Renewal Trust has been delivering a Local Conversation in Muirhouse, Edinburgh, since 2016. Local people are determining how they can make their neighbourhood an even better place to live…

  • Glasgow rocks


    Local charities, who received a combined total of nearly £50,000 of funding from the Trust, celebrated with a trip to see professional basketball team Glasgow Rocks. Two Trust funded projects,…