Tags: west midlands

  • Advice for Health launches


    The funding can be used to provide wellbeing and emotional support to help people feel more able to access advice services. It can also be used to improve existing advice…

  • StereoHype Social


    StereoHype Social brings together racially and culturally diverse creatives in Birmingham who have lived experience of mental health to make friends, share experiences and create artistic work challenging stigma. Workshops…

  • StereoHype Social: Music changes mental health


    We recently we’re put on a show called Let Freedom Ring which was directed to show a journey of progression to reflect the experience of the artists and also the…

  • Moving On


    The Moving On project was organised by an independent volunteer-run charity, the Rainbow Sunshine Company. There was a wide age range in the group, which included young adults and people…

  • Aaina Community Hub


    A lot of the women that usually attend Aaina Community Hub have experienced multiple challenges during the Covid-19 pandemic. For example, families living in multi-occupancy households who were unable to…

  • Second Stitch at Home


    The project also encourages members to be actively involved and to undertake additional work in their own time, helping them develop a wide variety of sewing skills and techniques to…

  • Arty-Folks Peer Empowerment Group


    Our life circumstances can determine our mental health and create health inequalities. There is not enough provision in the local community in Coventry for people who are living with mental…

  • Living Wage Places schemes exceed targets in 2021


    Strong local economies and stable employment that pays at least the real Living Wage, have a big impact on our health. This is why People’s Health Trust is one of…

  • Second stitch at home


    Having good working conditions, fair contractual conditions, and stable employment that pays at least the real Living Wage all have a big impact on our health, and refugees and migrants…

  • Moving On project evaluation


    The project was funded, through Health Lottery West Midlands, as part of People’s Health Trust’s Active Communities programme. The project was evaluated by Ecorys as part of the independent evaluation…

  • Refugee Week 2020


    Refugee Week is a UK-wide festival celebrating the contributions, creativity and resilience of refugees. Founded in 1998 and held every year around World Refugee Day on the 20 June, Refugee…

  • Living Wage Week 2019


    Living Wage Week starts on 11 November and this year the Living Wage Foundation will be celebrating their 50th Living Wage Funder, Wellcome Trust. In 2015, the Trust helped found…

  • Community awards


    Since 2014, Lozells-based organisation Aspire & Succeed has supported residents to create and deliver a shared vision for their neighbourhood through a Local Conversation. Every two years, residents of Lozells…

  • Celebrate, connect and share


    Steering Group members from six Local People projects supported by Royal Voluntary Service came together to celebrate, connect and share. In May, Royal Voluntary Service held their first ever Steering…

  • Pride Jubilee


    50 years ago, the Stonewall Uprising started a series of riots and demonstrations which became the catalyst for the modern Pride movement. Three years later, in July 1972, the first…

  • Volunteers United


    “You are not defined by what you cannot do, but what you can do” - MAP Volunteer Volunteers United, a project run by Mercian Ability Partnership (MAP), provides opportunities for…

  • Surfs up in Bradley


    “The group has evolved, there is the odd IT problem here and there but now members just like getting together to have a coffee and chat.” In Wolverhampton, both men…