Lis Judge: Head of Operations

image of Lis Judge
Lis is responsible for the day-to-day management of all operations of the Trust which encompasses HR, IT, legal and compliance, office and resource management, risk, customer service, and business development Lis previously worked in HR management for a number of years, and has also worked in Laos supporting civil society development. Since returning to the UK she has worked in the homelessness sector developing strategy, operations and services. Lis has a love of travelling and exploring new cultures, and enjoys theatre and live comedy.
image of Lis Judge

Staff team

Elizabeth Adebola
Elizabeth Adebola

Partnership Officer

Piers Atherton
Piers Atherton

Executive Assistant and Office Manager

Elaine Battson
Elaine Battson

Director of Finance and Operations

Nicola Brian
Nicola Brian

Director of Engagement

Susan Brown
Susan Brown

Head of Grant Programmes

Dorothea Eyewumi
Dorothea Eyewumi

Partnership Officer

John Hume
John Hume

Chief Executive

Stephen Jacobs
Stephen Jacobs

Senior Finance Officer

Alex Kearney
Alex Kearney

Senior Partnerships and Learning Officer

Emma Kyte
Emma Kyte

Administration Assistant

Joel Llewellyn
Joel Llewellyn

Evaluation and Policy Manager

Catherine Rennie
Catherine Rennie

Communications and Public Affairs Manager

Max Rutherford
Max Rutherford

Director of Programmes, Policy and Public Affairs

Katie Styles
Katie Styles

Senior Partnership Officer

Bradford Watson
Bradford Watson

Media and Communications Officer


Director of Policy and Communications