Jolynne De Souza: Trustee

image of Jolynne De Souza

Jolynne initially joined us as our first shadow trustee — a role established to support individuals in transitioning into full trustee responsibilities. Over the course of a year, she engaged in multiple Board meetings, and served on both the Programme and Policy Committee and the Finance, Audit, and Risk Committee, gaining valuable insights across key areas of the Trust. She now assumes her position as a full member of the Board.

She joins us with a wealth of experience in patient advocacy borne out of a passion to ensure the patient voice, needs and experiences are central to achieving positive health outcomes. She is currently leading patient engagement in digital therapeutics at Ampersand Health, a social-impact focused company specialising in supporting people living with chronic inflammatory conditions through digital means.

Prior to this, Jolynne worked at Real Chemistry, a global health communications agency, in their International Advocacy Relations team counselling Pharmaceutical and Biotech clients with their patient advocacy strategies. She also previously worked in the charity sector at Prostate Cancer UK leading their programme of work for men at higher risk of prostate cancer and delivering health inequalities community engagement initiatives.

image of Jolynne De Souza

Trustees team

Martin Anderson
Martin Anderson


Paul Ballantyne
Paul Ballantyne

Trustee for Scotland

Andrew Bickerdike
Andrew Bickerdike


Leandra Box
Leandra Box


Professor Elizabeth Dowler
Professor Elizabeth Dowler


Jenny Edwards CBE
Jenny Edwards CBE


Ranjeet Kaile
Ranjeet Kaile


Shelagh Kirkland ACA
Shelagh Kirkland ACA


Rory MacLean
Rory MacLean


Shavanah Taj
Shavanah Taj

Trustee for Wales