Professor Elizabeth Dowler: Trustee

image of Professor Elizabeth Dowler

Liz is Emeritus Professor of Food & Social Policy, University of Warwick, and previously worked in public health nutrition at both international and national levels, based at the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine. She draws on science and social science in working on food poverty and security, rights and justice; public health and local food initiatives; policy evaluation; and reconnection to sustainable food systems. Liz is a member and former trustee of the Food Ethics Council, a small charity working for a fairer food system. She has been advisor to UK charities such as the Food Foundation, Sustain, Oxfam UK, and to government. For many years she did international consultancies evaluating food policies and research; her work was widely published. She is also a member of the Iona Community, a dispersed ecumenical Christian community, working for peace and social justice and rebuilding of community.

image of Professor Elizabeth Dowler

Trustees team

Martin Anderson
Martin Anderson


Paul Ballantyne
Paul Ballantyne

Trustee for Scotland

Andrew Bickerdike
Andrew Bickerdike


Leandra Box
Leandra Box


Jolynne De Souza
Jolynne De Souza


Jenny Edwards CBE
Jenny Edwards CBE


Ranjeet Kaile
Ranjeet Kaile


Shelagh Kirkland ACA
Shelagh Kirkland ACA


Rory MacLean
Rory MacLean


Shavanah Taj
Shavanah Taj

Trustee for Wales