Shelagh Kirkland ACA: Trustee

image of Shelagh Kirkland ACA

Shelagh is a Chartered Accountant with 30 years experience working in financial services. She currently works part-time for Investec Bank in their power and infrastructure department. From 2016 to 2022 she worked on the boards of NHS clinical commissioning groups (CCG), initially with NHS Lewisham and then with South East London CCG. At both, she was the audit committee chair and also chaired other committees. Shelagh is currently an independent member on the audit committee at the General Chiropractic Council and the Faculty of Public Health. She has over 20 years experience on the boards of various charities and is currently on the board of Mytime Active and Pure Leapfrog. Mytime Active provides leisure and wellbeing activities and services that are affordable and accessible in the communities it serves. Pure Leapfrog helps UK communities own and generate clean, green power whilst helping to reduce energy demand.

Shelagh is also of Chair of the Finance, Audit and Operation Committee.

image of Shelagh Kirkland ACA

Trustees team

Martin Anderson
Martin Anderson


Paul Ballantyne
Paul Ballantyne

Trustee for Scotland

Andrew Bickerdike
Andrew Bickerdike


Leandra Box
Leandra Box


Jolynne De Souza
Jolynne De Souza


Professor Elizabeth Dowler
Professor Elizabeth Dowler


Jenny Edwards CBE
Jenny Edwards CBE


Ranjeet Kaile
Ranjeet Kaile


Rory MacLean
Rory MacLean


Shavanah Taj
Shavanah Taj

Trustee for Wales